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Final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download

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final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download

Final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download

LIKI S. Our intention is to provide you with a comprehensive walkthrough that will get vou from the beginning of the game to the end. In addition, we havealsodocumentedall the secrets,hidden items, and side quests that are well worth exploring and acquiring in this phenomenalgame.

The goal all along has been to provide final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download thev are novicesor. I'r'r: '. Mooney basicallywrote the first draft of the blitzball chapter,and. And Tim Cox, final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download, the project guided this title from beginning to end with a confidence manager, that is extremelyrare in this field. A11of these and professionalism. Jaime Benciaof Squaresoft contributionsto this project. My wife Laura helped me stay -Dan Birlew.

This sectionwill acquaint you with terminology and provide tips to help you enjoy the experience. It's best to focus on the basicsfirst, and then concentrateon more complicatedaspects after youVe played the game for a few hours. The BasicTerms sectionexplainscommon terms in the game. Open everydoor, and speakto everycharacterseveral times to make sureyou hear all they have.

Many folks will offer you helpflrl items to aid you in your final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download. You can speakto other characters by pressing. You alsouse the button to searchfor useful items, open treasurechests, perform certain actions,and confirm menu choicesyou make. As the game progresses, SaveSpheres will acquirenew options, final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download.

It's best to record eachof your saves as a separate file. This way,you can replar' any partof the game without having to start from scratch. A good rule of thumb is to saveyour game as often as possible. The areain which the party is currently located is displayedon the overheadmap. You can turn this function on and off in the Config menu. The map indicateswhere you can enter and exit an area.

Exits are highlighted with green markers, SaveSpheresare highlighted with white markers, and a red arrow indicatesthe direction you should travel next. Some are key to the storyline or help inventory. However, the vast These items are kept in a separate trigger specialevents. When you're equipping a character,the menu displays all equipment in your inventory avatlablefor him or her. Use the party's equipment. Use the option to sell your equipment at inns or shops. Hold onto weaponsand armor with rare abilities,and those with multiple empty slots that you can customize, final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download.

You should disposeof equipment with lesser abilities,or stuff that you havent used in a long time. When the party's turn comes up, the battle will wait for you to input your next command. After you defeat an enemy, Abiliry Points are awarded to all the characters who participated in the fight.

The Help window displals additional information when the Sensor ability is equipped, or when Scan has been cast on an enemy. You can disablethe Help window in the Config menu. Every character has the Attack ability, but some party members do not have the strngth to causea decent amount ofdamage with a weapon. Tle Skills command opens a menu ofcombat skills ar. Characters can learn these skills through the Sphere Grid.

The Special command opens final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download menu of special techniques that are usually leamed by only one character, or urtil other characters break ftee ftom their sectors of the Sphere Grid. If a character possesses the White Magic or Black Magic command, that character can cast spells.

Vy'hite magic is used primarily to heal and protect the party, whereas black magic is used to attack and damage the enemy. The Item command enablesthe character to use potibns or medicines on himself or others. You can damage enemies afflicted with zombie status by using curative items like Potions or Phoenix Downs.

You can cast most spellsat only one characteror enemy,but some will affect the whole group at once. Enemies from variousregionswill be inherently strong againstsome elements. However,being strong againstone element may make a fiend weak againstthe oppositeelement.

The Weapon and Armor commands enable a character to change equipment during battle. Similady, ifyour character keeps getting put to sleep, then use the Armor command to equip armor bearing the Sleep Ward or Sleepproof ability. The Qscape command allows one character to run ftom battle.

Keep in mind, however, that this option doesnt always workAIso, you cannot escapeftom boss fights. You can also use Tidus's Flee ability to have your entire Party escaPefrom enemies.

This command works more reliably than Escape, but doesnt allow you to escapeboss batdes. It changesfrom white to yellow HP falls beneathhalf his max HP.

Overdrive When a character's Overdrive gauge fills completely, he or she can perfotm a unique special attaclc The speed at which the Overdrive gauge fi1ls is based upon the criteria of the Overdrive mode that is selected for that character. At the beginning of the game, bach character only knows the Stoic Overdrive mode.

In this mode, the Overdrive gauge chargeswhenever the character takes damage from a foe. Overdrive mode, enter the Overdrive menu for that characterand To changea character's hit S to return the cursor to the main commands. SelectSet Mode and confirm the action. Final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download list of Overdrive modes currently availableto the characterwill be listed. Choose one and confirm it. Bv carefi. IfTidus dettats an enemy each time he attacls, tlen set his Overdrive mode to Slayer.

IfYuaa castsrestorative magic often, set hers to Healer. IfWakka is effective at inflicting status ailrnents on fiends, set his to Tactician. The fastest way to reach Overdrive depends upon how the character contributes during battle. For example, if an enemy launches a powerful attack wery other round rnd is about to do it again, use the Defend command f.

Rarhcr than aftack or cast spells, each character will guard against attacks until his or her next turn. However, spells will inflict the same damage even when the character is defending. This is an invaluable resourcefor planning your strategy against fiends, because you can seeexactlywhen their attack is coming. The picture at the top of the list indicates the next in line. AIl enemiesare designatedwith a letter A, B, C, etc. Knowing this, you can focus your next attack againstthe next enemy before its turn.

You can also refer to the CTB Window to determine how to heal or iure vour characters. Affecting CharacterTurns Different actions require different amounts of recoverytime, and will thus have varied effects on the order of turns displayed in the CTB Window.

To preview how your actions will affect the CTB Window order,just selectthe command you want ro use and selectthe target of your action without executing the action. On any character's turn, pressL1 to access the Switch menu. This displaysall of the characters who are not currendy involved in the battle. Selectone of them and press to bring him or her into battle. The character switched in can Lct immediately, so no turns are lost. To set your battle formation before a fight, enter the Main menu, final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download.

Use the Formation command to set your frontline characters into the top three slots. You'll have a much easiertime strategpdngagainst an enemywhen you know its weak points. A1l status you ailmentr di. The white magic spell Esuna will remove almost any status impairment in batde. You can also use items to cure these afilictions. The tbllowing information provides a quick referenceto theseitems. On certain rare the amount ofAP and items the Party receives increases the number of items received.

Ifyour entire front line gets KOd, then the game ends. However, aslong as one charactersurthe fallen by using a Phoenix vivesor fleesthe battle, the game continues. Resuscitate Down, final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download.

After acquiring Each enemy is wonh a predeterminedamount ofAP. This amount generallyincreases enough AP, a character will gain a Sphere Level.

This permits the characterto activatenearbynodesto raiseanributes such as Strength,Defense,Magic, Agility, etc. Moving acrossthe SPhereGrid is alsohow the chaiacten learn new abfities, skills, and spells. The walkthrough is broken into sma11er, more usablesectionsdetailing each particular areaof the game.

Each section has its own setup,which includes a listing of cnemiesand items and a specificset of objectives. A1so,areamaps of relevant locations are included in each secuon. The enemyboxeslocatedat the start of eachareaare color coded to distinguish the regularfiends from the bosses.

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Final Fantasy X: Fastest Way To Get AP In-Depth!

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Final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download

final fantasy x strategy guide pdf download

Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy X was released in and was re-released and remastered in in high definition (HD). It was the first of the Final Fantasy series to feature 3D backgrounds as opposed to the pre-rendered backdrops of the former games and was . final fantasy x hd strategy guide Download final fantasy x hd strategy guide or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get final fantasy x hd strategy guide book now. This site is like a library, Use search . Feb 06,  · This is the definitive Guide for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster! Comprehensive Walkthrough for all versions, Illustrated maps, Full coverage of all Side Quests, Complete Mini-Game coverage, Creature Creator strategy, Game Secrets, the Most Powerful Weapons, and Full enemy data, Everything you need for % Game Completion!

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